Huawei HCNA-LTE H31-411-ENU exam questions have been updated in December, which contain 285 Q&As. We know that H31-411 exam is a required test for Huawei HCNA-LTE certification. To earn this certification, you need to pass H31-411 exam successfully. Apart from our updated Huawei HCNA-LTE H31-411-ENU exam questions, you also need to know H31-411 exam basic information and real exam topics.
There are 60 questions in real Huawei HCNA-LTE H31-411 exam, you have 90 minutes to complete the test. The required passing score of Huawei certification H31-411 exam is 600(the total score is 1000). Besides, from Nov.1, 2018, Huawei test center has moved to VUE. So now, you need to schedule Huawei HCNA-LTE H31-411-ENU exam at VUE test center:
Huawei certification H31-411-ENU real exam topics cover the following 9 sections: LTE System Overview, eNodeB LTE Product Description, OEB82 eNodeB Field Maintenance, eNodeB Operation, eNodeB LTE Data Introduction for Initial Configuration, eNodeB LTE Initial Configuration by CME, eNodeB LTE Troubleshooting, eNodeB LTE TOP Alarm Handling and eNodeB LTE Site Solution. After you master all the above Huawei HCNA-LTE H31-411-ENU real exam topics, you can prepare the test well.
To check the quality of our Huawei H31-411-ENU updated exam questions, you can read the following H31-411 questions and answers.
1.Which of the following is version number of the GTPU based on the CTP protocol in the SAE network?
A. V0
B. V1
C. V2
D. V3
Answer: B
2.Which of the following does not cause the UE's EMM status to transition to the EMM-DEREGISTERED state?
A. logout
B. Attachment rejection
C. RRC connection release
D. All bearing has been deleted
Answer: C
3.S-TMSI is a simplified representation of GUTI to improve the efficiency of the wireless signaling process, such as paging and service requests.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
4.Which of the following authentication vectors does the network use for UE authentication in LTE?
Answer: B
5.Which of the following is the number of types of LTE UEs defined by the R8 protocol?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 10
Answer: C
Our new updated Huawei HCNA-LTE H31-411-ENU exam questions can guarantee you pass the test in the first attempt. If you fail the test with our updated H31-411 exam questions, you can get full payment fee refund.