Huawei HCIP R&S H12-221-ENU real exam questions have been updated on March 31, 2019, which contain 435 Q&As. Recently, many candidates came to our website to ask the update of HCIP-R&S-IERS(Huawei Certified ICT Professional-IERS) H12-221-ENU real exam questions. Now, good news for you, we have cracked the latest H12-221-ENU real exam questions, which are helpful for yo to prepare the test well.
HCIP R&S H12-221-ENU exam key points are also important in your preparation. I collected the details of H12-221-ENU key points from Huawei official website. You can check the following screenshot to read the details.
Our updated Huawei HCIP R&S H12-221-ENU real exam questions can help you test all the above key points. After you practice all the H12-221-ENU questions and answers, you can know whether you master all the key points or not. Share some Huawei H12-221-ENU exam sample questions below.
1.Which of the following description about OSPF is correct?
A. OSPF uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm, and each router runs the algorithm independently.
B. OSPF updates regularly every 30 minutes
C. OSPF floods an LSU every 5s
D. OSPF itself does not have a certain mechanism, so OSPF relies on the upper layer protocol, that is TCP, to confirm and process.
Answer: B
2.Which of the following description about Route-policy is correct? (Multiple choice)
A. A Route-policy consists of multiple nodes. A node can contain multiple if-match and apply clauses.
B. The if-match clause is used to define the matching condition of the node, and the apply clause is used to define the routing behavior through filtering.
C. The filter rule relationship of the if-match clause is "and", that is, all if-match words of the node must match
D. The filtering relationship between the Route-Policy nodes is "OR", that is, as long as the filtering of one node is passed, the Route-policy can be passed.
Answer: ACBD
3.Which of the following description about the optional attributes in BGP is correct? (Multiple choice)
A. In addition to the recognized attributes, each UPDATE message can contain one or more optional attributes. And each BGP Speaker requires support for these optional attributes.
B. Optional attributes are divided into optional transitions and optional non-transitions.
C. The optional transition attribute is that the BGP router can choose whether to carry these attributes in the Update message. If the received router does not recognize this attribute, it can forward it to the neighboring router. The neighbor router may recognize and use this attribute.
D. The optional non-transition attribute is that the BGP router can choose whether to carry this attribute in the Update message. If the received route does not identify this attribute, it will discard this attribute and no longer need to forward it to the neighboring router.
Answer: BCD
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