SAS Viya 3.5 Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision A00-405 exam is easy for you to pass now. We provide the latest SASInstitute A00-405 exam questions, which are the best material for you to test all the related topics. A00-405 exam successful candidates should be familiar with SAS Model Studio for SAS Viya, SAS Visual Text Analytics and SAS Data Mining and Machine Learning and be skilled in tasks. The following SASInstitute A00-405 exam information is also important in your preparation.
SASInstitute A00-405 Exam
SASInstitute A00-405 exam is administered by SAS and Pearson VUE.
Number of questions: 60 scored multiple-choice and short-answer questions
Duration: 110 minutes
Passing score: 70%
Exam fee: $255
A00-405 exam is based on SAS Viya 3.5.
A00-405 SASInstitute Exam Content
A00-405 SAS Viya 3.5 Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision exam content covers the following details.
Loading and Exploring Data (20%)
Import documents for analysis
Create and explore a project in SAS Visual Text Analytics
Load and prepare image data
Identifying Text Patterns Using Natural Language Processing Techniques (42%)
Use the Concepts and Text Parsing Nodes to extract Terms and Concepts
Write concept rules
Use the Topics Node to extract machine-generated topics
Use rules to identify documents belonging to specific categories
Write category rules
Use a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to recognize patterns
Identifying Image Patterns Using Computer Vision Techniques (38%)
Use convolutional layers in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Use padding in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Use pooling in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Use fully connected layers in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Use output layers in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Tune the Hyperparameters of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Score new image data
Explain the impact of various architectural designs
Use regularization techniques
Share SASInstitute A00-405 Real Exam Questions
SASInstitute certification A00-405 real exam questions can help you test all the above SAS Viya 3.5 Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision exam content. Share some SASInstitute A00-405 real exam questions and answers below.
1.Which statement describes a situation in which a bi-directional recurrent neural network is a better option than a unidirectional network?
A. The data at any given point in time is independent of both the previous and subsequent elements of the sequence
B. The data at any given point in time depends only on the subsequent elements of the sequence
C. The data at any given point in time depends only on the previous elements of the sequence
D. The data at any given point in time depends on both the previous and subsequent elements of the sequence
Answer: D
2.Which option of the loadlmage action can be used to load images in the subdirectory tree of a directory?
A. reload
B. recurse
C. subdirs
D. repeat
Answer: D
3.Regularization in neural networks represents a set of techniques devised to accomplish what?
A. Reduce overfitting
B. Minimize the toss function
C. Calculate a softmax
D. Downsample a feature map
Answer: B