We all know that NSE6_FVE-5.3 exam is one related to Fortinet NSE 6 certification. If you are planning to take NSE6_FVE-5.3 exam, please do it before March 31, 2021. Fortinet NSE 6-FortiVoice 5.3 NSE6_FVE-5.3 exam will be retired on March 31, 2021, and the new one is NSE6_FVE-6.0. We provide the latest Fortinet NSE 6 NSE6_FVE-5.3 real exam questions, which are the best questions and answers for you to study the test.
![[Retire on March 31, 2021] Fortinet NSE6_FVE-5.3 Exam Questions [Retire on March 31, 2021] Fortinet NSE6_FVE-5.3 Exam Questions](https://www.testpassport.com/T/T-COM/images/uploads/20210104044757_7700.jpg)
Fortinet NSE6_FVE-5.3 Exam
Number of questions: 30
Exam time: 60 minutes
Language: English
Product version: FortiVoice 5.3
Status: Registration ends March 31, 2021
Fortinet NSE 6 Recertification
1.You can renew your certification by passing any four NSE 6 exams at a Pearson VUE test center.
NSE6_FAD-5.2 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiADC
NSE6_FAC-6.1 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiAuthenticator
NSE6_FDD-4.5 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiDDoS
NSE6_FML-6.2 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiMail
NSE6_FWB-6.1 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiWeb
NSE6_FNC-8.5 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiNAC
NSE6_FVE-5.3/NSE6_FVE-6.0 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiVoice
NSE6_FWC-8.2/NSE6_FWC-8.5 Fortinet NSE 6-FortiWLC
NSE6_FWF-6.2 Fortinet NSE 6-Integrated and Cloud Wireless
2.Obtaining NSE 7 certification automatically renews your NSE 6 certification, if your NSE 6 certification is not expired.
3.Obtaining NSE 8 certification automatically renews your NSE 6 certification, even if your NSE 6 certification has expired.
Study Fortinet NSE6_FVE-5.3 Real Exam Questions
Fortinet NSE 6 NSE6_FVE-5.3 real exam questions are the best material for you to test all the related exam topics. Share some Fortinet NSE 6-FortiVoice NSE6_FVE-5.3 real exam questions and answers below.
1.An administrator is configuring a new FortiVoice system and is having trouble with outbound and external inbound calls. The network administrator has verified that Internet connectivity is stable and the FortiVoice system can reach the Internet. Local extension calls are also working without any issue.Which two configurations are likely causing this issue? (Choose two.)
A. Office Peers
B. DID mapping
C. VoIP Trunk
D. Inbound call routing
Answer: A,D
2.What happens when an extension is added as a fax monitor to an efax account?
A. efax account will receive a copy of the fax in their user portal FTP.
B. efax account can send outbound faxes.
C. efax account will receive an email of the fax.
D. The fax will get relayed to the assigned extension as well.
Answer: A
3.When configuring High Availability, which three configurations are required on both units? (Choose three.)
A. Configure the system time
B. Configure the Admin Profile
C. Configure the Mode of Operation
D. Configure the On Failure behavior
E. Configure the Virtual IP address
Answer: A,C,E
4.A user is consistently reporting issues with call drops and an unstable connection. The administrator is investigating the issue.Which action can the administrator take to help troubleshoot this problem?
A. Disable the SIP helper on the network Firewall.
B. View call record logs of the problematic extension.
C. Contact the SIP provider to troubleshoot the issue.
D. Use a capture tool to capture traffic using the extension and trunk.
Answer: C
5.With respect to programming extensions, how is Pickup Group used?
A. To allow extensions to answer calls ringing at another extension
B. To allow extensions to pick up calls when already on a call
C. To allow extensions to continuous ring until call is answered or dropped
D. To group extensions that can only answer calls by picking up the handset
Answer: A