Latest feedback of IBM C1000-031 exam from our customer today, "I passed C1000-031 exam with 94%, the version with 304 Q&As are valid. Thanks. "
C1000-031 exam is the new replacement of C9010-262 test. Recently, many candidates came to our website to ask the passing rate of C1000-031 exam, you do not need to worry about it now with the good news. Share some IBM C1000-031 real exam questions below for you to check.
1.A customer is interested in running many Linux workloads and they are comparing a single Power System E950 versus multiple LC922 servers
An advantage of the Power System E950 is the ability to support:
A. either PowerVM or KVM
B. OPAL firmware
C. Power Enterprise Pools
D. dual VIOS
2.What is a characteristic of PoWER9 processor-based virtualized environments?
A. Resources must be dedicated at the PCle card level.
B. Greater virtualization increases the cost of computing
C. Greater virtualization reduces workload costs
D. Processors are assigned per whole core
3.What is the main advantage of using dedicated donating cores for a Virtual Machine (VM) running Am workload on a Power System E980 with multiple VMs?
A. To reduce the cost of activated cores
B. To reduce the cost of software licenses
C. To enable Elastic Capacity on Demand.
D. To extend the processor pool with unused processor cycles
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