Section 1: 2017 Security Market Perspective 3%
Section 2: 2017 Security Strategy 8%
Section 3: Security Industry Essentials 17%
Section 4: IBM Security Solutions Overview 40%
Section 5: Working with IBM Global Financing 3%
Section 6: Engaging with Your Client 17%
Section 7: Objection Handling 12%
There are 40 Q&As in the new cracked IBM Certification M2150-860 real exam questions, which can help you test all the above topics. Share some Sales Foundations for IBM Security V1 M2150-860 real exam questions and answers below.
1.What three characteristics differentiate the IBM Security Immune System?
A. It is open, integrated and orchestrated.
B. It focuses on cloud, cognitive, and network security.
C. It is built around perimeter controls, cloud security, and fraud prevention.
D. It has unique detection, incident response and attack blocking capabilities.
Answer: C
2.Which is a clear differentiator for IBM Security Operations and Response (SOAR) solutions?
A. Access Manager's new IBM Verify capability.
B. ORadar ranking in the Gartner Magic Quadrant.
C. Guardium's tight integration with anti-virus vendors.
D. QRadar Network Security (XGS) offering intrusion prevention, versus intrusion detection.
Answer: A
3.Which are the top three drivers for security concerns in the Education industry?
A. Digitization, industry integration and mobility
B. Digitization, workforce consolidation and globalization
C. Industry consolidation, digitization and Internet of Things (loT)
D. Industry consolidation, cost reduction and Internet of Things (loT)
Answer: C
4.What is the appropriate response to a customer who believes that deploying mobile security is too complex?
A. It is complex, but the resulting security and productivity gains are worth the effort/investment.
B. Gartner and Forrester have both praised IBM's solution for its ease of use at the administrative and end user levels.
C. MaaS360 simplifies mobile security as long as the implementation involves a private network within the bounds of a single country.
D. MaaS360 delivers mobile security without any impact on the mobile devices themselves, thus simplifying the implementation step.
Answer: D
5.Which is a key to the success of IBM Security?
A. Developing point products.
B. Working with Business Partners.
C. Avoiding risky cloud environments.
D. Focusing innovation on perimeter protection.
Answer: B