We all know that HCIA-Big Data V3.0 is available. If you want to earn HCIA-Big Data certification, you can take H13-711 V3.0 now. To earn HCIA-Big Data certification, you can master the technical principles and architectures of common and important big data components, including HDFS, Hive, HBase, Flume, Spark, Flink, Elasticsearch and Redis, and capable of using Huawei big data platform MRS. I collected all the related H13-711 V3.0 exam information for you to prepare for the test.
![H13-711 HCIA-Big Data V3.0 Real Exam Questions H13-711 HCIA-Big Data V3.0 Real Exam Questions](https://www.testpassport.com/T/T-COM/images/uploads/20210714053228_0635.jpg)
H13-711 HCIA-Big Data V3.0 Exam
H13-711 HCIA-Big Data exam is for those who desire to become big data engineers and who desire to obtain the HCIA-Big Data certification.
Exam Type: Written examination
Exam Format: Single Answer, Multiple Answer, True-false Question
Time: 90min
Passing Score/Total Score: 600/1000
Exam Cost: 200USD
Languages: Chinese, English
Huawei H13-711 V3.0 Exam Outline
Huawei certification H13-711 exam outline cover the following details.
1.Big Data Development Trend and Kunpeng Big Data Solution 3%
2.HDFS and ZooKeeper 12%
3.Hive-Distributed Data Warehouse 10%
4.HBase Technical Principles 11%
5.MapReduce and YARN Technical Principles 9%
6.Spark In-Memory Distributed Computing 7%
7.Flink, Stream and Batch Processing in a Single Engine 8%
8.Flume-Massive Log Aggregation 7%
9.Loader Data Conversion 5%
10.Kafka-Distributed Publish-Subscribe Messaging System 9%
11.LDAP and Kerberos 5%
12.Elasticsearch - Distributed Search Engine 5%
13.Redis In-Memory Database 5%
14.Huawei Big Data Solution 4%
Share H13-711 HCIA-Big Data V3.0 Real Exam Questions
The online HCIA-Big Data V3.0 H13-711 real exam questions are the best material for you to study the above exam outline. Share some latest H13-711 HCIA-Big Data V3.0 H13-711 real exam questions and answers below.
1. In Yarn, which of the following tasks is the " slave " node responsible for? (Multiple choice)
A. Unified management and allocation of all resources in the cluster
B. Supervise the life cycle management of the container
C. Monitor the resource usage (memory, CPU, etc.) of each Container
D. Manage logs and ancillary services used by different applications
Answer: BC
2. What are the characteristics of Spark? (Multiple choice)
A. Fast
B. Spirit
C. Light
D. Clever
Answer: ABCD
3. Compared with open source sqoop, what are the enhanced features of loader? (Multiple choice)
A. High reliability
B. High performance
C. Security
D. Graphical
Answer: ABCD
4. When Fusioninsight HD creates a job, which of the following jobs does the connector have? (Multiple choice)
A. The configuration job is connected to the internal data source
B. Configure job is connected to source
C. Make sure there is a conversion
D. Provide optimized parameter export performance
Answer: ABCD
5. Which of the following sub-products does the Fusioninsight family include? (Multiple choice)
A. Fusioninsight Farmer
B. Fusioninsight Miner
C. Fusioninsight HD
Answer: ABC