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Splunk SPLK-3002 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for SPLK-3002 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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When creating a custom deep dive, what color are services/KPIs in maintenance mode within the topology view?

A. Gray
B. Purple
C. Gear Icon
D. Blue

Services, entities, and KPIs that are fully or partially impacted by a maintenance window appear in a dark gray color on pages that display health scores, including service analyzers, service and entity details pages, glass tables, multi-KPI alerts, and deep dives.


Which of the following items describe ITSI Backup and Restore functionality? (Choose all that apply.)

A. A pre-configured default ITSI backup job is provided that can be modified, but not deleted.
B. ITSI backup is inclusive of KV Store, ITSI Configurations, and index dependencies.
C. can be used in scripts or command line to backup ITSI for full or partial backups.
D. ITSI backups are stored as a collection of JSON formatted files.

ITSI provides a script that lets you backup/restore ITSI configuration data, perform bulk service KPI operations, apply time zone offsets for ITSI objects, and regenerate KPI search schedules.
When you run a backup job, ITSI saves your data to a set of JSON files compressed into a single ZIP file.
Reference: g


Which of the following are the default ports that must be configured on Splunk to use ITSI?

A. SplunkWeb (8405), SplunkD (8519), and HTTP Collector (8628)
B. SplunkWeb (8089), SplunkD (8088), and HTTP Collector (8000)
C. SplunkWeb (8000), SplunkD (8089), and HTTP Collector (8088)
D. SplunkWeb (8088), SplunkD (8089), and HTTP Collector (8000)



Which of the following is an advantage of using adaptive time thresholds?

A. Automatically update thresholds daily to manage dynamic changes to KPI values.
B. Automatically adjust KPI calculation to manage dynamic event data.
C. Automatically adjust aggregation policy grouping to manage escalating severity.
D. Automatically adjust correlation search thresholds to adjust sensitivity over time.



Where are KPI search results stored?

A. The default index.
B. KV Store.
C. Output to a CSV lookup.
D. The itsi_summary index.

Search results are processed, created, and written to the itsi_summary index via an alert action.

Exam Code: SPLK-3002Q & A: 100 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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