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The following MO-300 questions are part of our Microsoft MO-300 real exam questions full version. There are 35 in our MO-300 full version. All of our MO-300 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail MO-300 exam with our Microsoft MO-300 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of MO-300 real exam questions? Go now!

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Microsoft MO-300 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for MO-300 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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On the ‘’Who Are’’ slide, apply the Bevel Perspective Left, White picture style and the Paint Brush artistic effect to the image.



You are preparing a presentation for prospective students of the School of Fine Art.
On the Slide Master, duplicate the ‘’Blank’’ slide layout. Name the new Slide layout ‘’Picture with Text’’. Insert a picture placeholder on the left and a text placeholder on the right.
The exact size and position of the placeholders do not matter. Do not create a slide based on the new slide layout.

A. In PowerPoint, a placeholder is a pre-formatted container on a slide for content (text, graphics, or video). The pre-set formatting makes it easier to format slides consistently. You format a placeholder in Slide Master view. Then you use the placeholder―add content to it―in Normal view.
The pictured slide has two rectangular placeholders:
✑ The (upper) Title placeholder prompts the user for text and formats it in the default Heading font, size, and color
✑ The (lower) Content placeholder accepts text, or a table, chart, SmartArt graphic, picture, or video, as indicated by the clickable icons at its center.


Configure the printing options to print three copies of the Notes Pages for all slides. All copies of page 1 should print before any copies of Page 2.

A. Select File > Print.
✑ For Printer, select the printer you want to print to.
✑ For Settings, select the options you want:
The Outline prints only the text in the slides, without images. The Notes of a presentation show the slide and the related speaker notes below it. If you choose to print Handouts, you can print several slides on one page using a variety of layouts, some with space for note-taking.
✑ For Copies, select how many copies you want to print.
✑ Select Print.


On the ‘’Admission information’’ slide, configuration a Down motion path animation for the check mark icon.

A. ✑ Click the object you want to animate.
✑ On the Animations tab, click Add Animation.
✑ Scroll down to Motion Paths, and pick one.


Topic 2, Art School Exhibit.

On the ‘’Get Involved’’ slide, insert the Sailing video from the Videos folder. Place the video in the lower-right corner of the slide.
The exact size and position of the video do not matter.

A. ✑ In Normal view, select the slide you'd like to add a video to.
✑ On the Insert tab, click Video, then click Movie from File.
✑ In the Choose a Movie dialog box, select the file you want to insert. If you want to embed the video on the slide, simply click Insert.

Exam Code: MO-300Q & A: 35 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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