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Mulesoft MCIA-Level 1 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for MCIA-Level 1 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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An integration Mute application is being designed to process orders by submitting them to a backend system for offline processing. Each order will be received by the Mute application through an HTTPS POST and must be acknowledged immediately. Once acknowledged, the order will be submitted to a backend system. Orders that cannot be successfully submitted due to rejections from the backend system will need to be processed manually (outside the backend system).
The Mule application will be deployed to a customer-hosted runtime and is able to use an existing ActiveMQ broker if needed.
The backend system has a track record of unreliability both due to minor network connectivity issues and longer outages.
What idiomatic (used for their intended purposes) combination of Mule application components and ActiveMQ queues are required to ensure automatic submission of orders to the backend system, while minimizing manual order processing?

A. An On Error scope Non-persistent VM ActiveMQ Dead Letter Queue for manual processing
B. An On Error scope MuleSoft Object Store ActiveMQ Dead Letter Queue for manual processing
C. Until Successful component MuleSoft Object Store ActiveMQ is NOT needed or used
D. Until Successful component ActiveMQ long retry Queue ActiveMQ Dead Letter Queue for manual processing

Correct answer is using below set of activities Until Successful component ActiveMQ long retry Queue ActiveMQ Dead Letter Queue for manual processing We will see why this is correct answer but before that lets understand few of the concepts which we need to know. Until Successful Scope The Until Successful scope processes messages through its processors until the entire operation succeeds.
Until Successful repeatedly retries to process a message that is attempting to complete an activity such as:
- Dispatching to outbound endpoints, for example, when calling a remote web service that may have availability issues.
- Executing a component method, for example, when executing on a Spring bean that may depend on unreliable resources.
- A sub-flow execution, to keep re-executing several actions until they all succeed, - Any other message processor execution, to allow more complex scenarios.
How this will help requirement: Using Until Successful Scope we can retry sending the order to backend systems in case of error to avoid manual processing later. Retry values can be configured in Until Successful Scope Apache ActiveMQ It is an open source message broker written in Java together with a full Java Message Service client ActiveMQ has the ability to deliver messages with delays thanks to its scheduler. This functionality is the base for the broker redelivery plug-in. The redelivery plug-in can intercept dead letter processing and reschedule the failing messages for redelivery. Rather than being delivered to a DLQ, a failing message is scheduled to go to the tail of the original queue and redelivered to a message consumer.
How this will help requirement: If backend application is down for a longer duration where Until Successful Scope wont work, then we can make use of ActiveMQ long retry Queue. The redelivery plug-in can intercept dead letter processing and reschedule the failing messages for redelivery. Mule


What condition requires using a CloudHub Dedicated Load Balancer?

A. When cross-region load balancing is required between separate deployments of the same Mule application
B. When custom DNS names are required for API implementations deployed to customer-hosted Mule runtimes
C. When API invocations across multiple CloudHub workers must be load balanced
D. When server-side load-balanced TLS mutual authentication is required between API implementations and API clients

Correct answer is When server-side load-balanced TLS mutual authentication is required between API implementations and API clients CloudHub dedicated load balancers (DLBs) are an optional component of Anypoint Platform that enable you to route external HTTP and HTTPS traffic to multiple Mule applications deployed to CloudHub workers in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Dedicated load balancers enable you to:
* Handle load balancing among the different CloudHub workers that run your application.
* Define SSL configurations to provide custom certificates and optionally enforce two-way SSL client authentication.
* Configure proxy rules that map your applications to custom domains. This enables you to host your applications under a single domain


What operation can be performed through a JMX agent enabled in a Mule application?

A. View object store entries
B. Replay an unsuccessful message
C. Set a particular tog4J2 log level to TRACE
D. Deploy a Mule application

JMX Management Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a simple and standard way to manage applications, devices, services, and other resources. JMX is dynamic, so you can use it to monitor and manage resources as they are created, installed, and implemented. You can also use JMX to monitor and manage the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Each resource is instrumented by one or more Managed Beans, or MBeans. All MBeans are registered in an MBean Server. The JMX server agent consists of an MBean Server and a set of services for handling Mbeans. There are several agents provided with Mule for JMX support. The easiest way to configure JMX is to use the default JMX support agent. Log4J Agent The log4j agent exposes the configuration of the Log4J instance used by Mule for JMX management. You enable the Log4J agent using the <jmx-log4j> element. It does not take any additional properties MuleSoft


A Mule application is being designed to do the following:
Step 1: Read a SalesOrder message from a JMS queue, where each SalesOrder consists of a header and a list of SalesOrderLineltems.
Step 2: Insert the SalesOrder header and each SalesOrderLineltem into different tables in an RDBMS.
Step 3: Insert the SalesOrder header and the sum of the prices of all its SalesOrderLineltems into a table In a different RDBMS.
No SalesOrder message can be lost and the consistency of all SalesOrder-related information in both RDBMSs must be ensured at all times.
What design choice (including choice of transactions) and order of steps addresses these requirements?

A. 1) Read the JMS message (NOT in an XA transaction) 2) Perform BOTH DB inserts in ONE DB transaction 3) Acknowledge the JMS message
B. 1) Read the JMS message (NOT in an XA transaction) 2) Perform EACH DB insert in a SEPARATE DB transaction 3) Acknowledge the JMS message
C. 1) Read the JMS message in an XA transaction 2) In the SAME XA transaction, perform BOTH DB inserts but do NOT acknowledge the JMS message
D. 1) Read and acknowledge the JMS message (NOT in an XA transaction) 2) In a NEW XA transaction, perform BOTH DB inserts

Option A says "Perform EACH DB insert in a SEPARATE DB transaction". In this case if first DB insert is successful and second one fails then first insert won't be rolled back causing inconsistency. This option is ruled out.
Option D says Perform BOTH DB inserts in ONE DB transaction.
Rule of thumb is when one or more DB connections are required we must use XA transaction as local transactions support only one resource. So this option is also ruled out. Option B acknowledges the before DB processing, so message is removed from the queue. In case of system failure at later point, message can't be retrieved.
Option C is Valid: Though it says "do not ack JMS message", message will be auto acknowledged at the end of transaction. Here is how we can ensure all components are part of XA transaction: Additional Information about transactions:
XA Transactions - You can use an XA transaction to group together a series of operations from multiple transactional resources, such as JMS, VM or JDBC resources, into a single, very reliable, global transaction.
The XA (eXtended Architecture) standard is an X/Open group standard which specifies the interface between a global transaction manager and local transactional resource managers.
The XA protocol defines a 2-phase commit protocol which can be used to more reliably coordinate and sequence a series of "all or nothing" operations across multiple servers, even servers of different types
Use JMS ack if
C Acknowledgment should occur eventually, perhaps asynchronously
C The performance of the message receipt is paramount
C The message processing is idempotent
C For the choreography portion of the SAGA pattern
Use JMS transactions
C For all other times in the integration you want to perform an atomic unit of work
C When the unit of work comprises more than the receipt of a single message
C To simply and unify the programming model (begin/commit/rollback)


What is true about the network connections when a Mule application uses a JMS connector to interact with a JMS provider (message broker)?

A. To complete sending a JMS message, the JMS connector must establish a network connection with the JMS message recipient
B. To receive messages into the Mule application, the JMS provider initiates a network connection to the JMS connector and pushes messages along this connection
C. The JMS connector supports both sending and receiving of JMS messages over the protocol determined by the JMS provider
D. The AMQP protocol can be used by the JMS connector to portably establish connections to various types of JMS providers

* To send message or receive JMS (Java Message Service) message no separate network connection need to be established. So option A, C and D are ruled out.
Correct answer: The JMS connector supports both sending and receiving of JMS messages over the protocol determined by the JMS provider.
* JMS Connector enables sending and receiving messages to queues and topics for any message service that implements the JMS specification.
* JMS is a widely used API for message-oriented middleware.
* It enables the communication between different components of a distributed application to be loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous.
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Exam Code: MCIA-Level 1Q & A: 244 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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