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The following H19-381-ENU questions are part of our Huawei H19-381-ENU real exam questions full version. There are 102 in our H19-381-ENU full version. All of our H19-381-ENU real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail H19-381-ENU exam with our Huawei H19-381-ENU real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of H19-381-ENU real exam questions? Go now!

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Huawei H19-381-ENU Exam Actual Questions

The questions for H19-381-ENU were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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Viewing questions 1 out of 20 questions


TaiShan200 6000 is a 2U4 node high-density server, the system can accommodate 4 2-way computing nodes.

A. true
B. false


Shengteng’s course training plan for entering colleges and universities is a “fertile soil Al Talent Training Program".

A. True
B. False


About the storage of warm and cold datas plan, which of the following is correct?

A. Use Kunpeng's built-in compression engine to expand data compression storage scenarios
B. The computing power requirements are relatively low, and Kunpeng performance advantages cannot be used
C. Receive HDD storage media performance constraints
D. The system architecture is not the same


Regarding Kunpeng’s description of the database scene, which of the following is correct?

A. Data writing operations in OLTP scenarios involve frequent cross-NUMA access to atomic locks, which has an impact on the performance of Kunpeng
B. Deploying multiple instances in OLTP scenarios can take advantage of Kunpeng's computing power
C. OLAP scenarios require high concurrent IO, suitable for Kunpeng
D. OLTP is not the application scenario of Kunpeng


Which of the following methods can be used for TaiShan200 2280 Increase the number of hard drives?

A. System serial port
B. Rear hard drive module
C. Increase the number of memory
D. Flexible I/O

Exam Code: H19-381-ENUQ & A: 102 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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