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The following H13-711_V3.0-ENU questions are part of our Huawei H13-711_V3.0-ENU real exam questions full version. There are 500 in our H13-711_V3.0-ENU full version. All of our H13-711_V3.0-ENU real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail H13-711_V3.0-ENU exam with our Huawei H13-711_V3.0-ENU real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of H13-711_V3.0-ENU real exam questions? Go now!

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Huawei H13-711_V3.0-ENU Exam Actual Questions

The questions for H13-711_V3.0-ENU were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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When the Loader of MRS creates a job, what is the role of the connector?

A. Configure the connection mode of the job and the external data source
B. Configure the connection mode the job and the internal data source
C. Provide optimized parameters to improve the performance of data import and export
D. Confirm that there are conversion steps


Which way does ElasticSearch index data use?

A. Forward Index
B. Full-text index
C. Inverted index
D. Keyword Index


In Fusioninsight products, about Kafka Topic, which of the following descriptions are incorrect?

A. Each topic can only be divided into one partition
B. The number of Topic partitions can be configured at the time of creation
C. The storage level of each Partition corresponds to a log file, which records all information and data
D. Every message published to Kafka has a category, which is called Topic, which can also be understood as a queue for storing messages.


Which one of the following descriptions of the characteristics of big data and traditional databases are incorrect?

A. Big data is the data processing of "fish in the pond" with a clear goal; the data processing of traditional database is to judge whether other kinds of "fish" exist or not through some "fish"
B. There are many types of data processed by big data, including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data; the traditional database has a relatively single type of data, often structured data predominates.
C. In big data, there is no unified data tool, that is, "No size fits all"; in traditional databases, in a specific business scenario, one tool can often solve a problem, that is, "One size fits all"
D. The data scale of big data is very large, generally TB and PB are used as the data processing unit; the data size in traditional databases is generally small, and MB is often used as the data processing unit


In the MRS cluster, which of the following components does Spark mainly interact with?

A. Zookeeper
B. Yarin
C. Hive

Exam Code: H13-711_V3.0-ENUQ & A: 500 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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