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The following H13-624-ENU questions are part of our Huawei H13-624-ENU real exam questions full version. There are 957 in our H13-624-ENU full version. All of our H13-624-ENU real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail H13-624-ENU exam with our Huawei H13-624-ENU real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of H13-624-ENU real exam questions? Go now!

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Huawei H13-624-ENU Exam Actual Questions

The questions for H13-624-ENU were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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LLD (Lom Level Desigm, detailed design) is based on the determined target network architecture, clearly designing the scope of the network and functional deployment plan; the specific design content was paid attention by the customers within the scope of the contract, including clarifying the interactive process of the important business, the function allocation of all services on each network element, the peripheral docking relationship of the design network element, the docking requirements and compliance with the norms, the quantitative calculation of docking resources.

A. True
B. False


Create Global Zone

A. 6->5->3->1->2->4
B. 1->3->2->6->5->4
C. 5->3->2->4->1->6
D. 1->2->3->4->5->6


In Huawei distributed storage, SCSI volumes with multiple mount points are called shared volumes, and iSCSI volumes are shared volumes. In order to support the backup capability of shared volumes, the block service also supports snapshots of shared volumes, and the snapshot process of shared volumes is the same as that of ordinary volumes.

A. True
B. False


A company purchased multiple sets of Huawei distributed storage, deployed them in multiple data centers, and used object service remote replication to build a disaster recovery system. These distributed storages were planned in the same area, so this area has one and only one default cluster, other clusters are non-default clusters.

A. True
B. False


The QoS characteristics of the object service, for applications with different priorities, different buckets can be configured, and the TPS of the buckets and the allocation of bandwidth resources can be controlled through QoS; different QoS policies can be configured for VIP tenants and ordinary tenants in the same system to ensure the quality of service for high-priority tenants.

A. True
B. False

Exam Code: H13-624-ENUQ & A: 957 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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