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Huawei H13-531-ENU Exam Actual Questions

The questions for H13-531-ENU were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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Which of the following descriptions about virtual machines are true? (Multiple choice)

A. After the virtual machine is created, the virtual machine can be migrated
B. A virtual machine is a virtual computer that runs an operating system and applications.
C. The CPU resources of the virtual machine can be accessed from different hosts.
D. When creating a virtual machine, the creation bit can be selected as a host or a cluster.


Which of the following description about the VM NICS in the Fusion Compute is incorrect?

A. SR-IOV pass-through mode NIC supports online addition.
B. Virtual machines with memory reuse (not 100% memory reservation) cannot configure pass-through settings
C. The virtual machine configured with pass-through device 2 must have exclusive memory. After the exclusive memory, the memory of the virtual machine will not be swapped to the swap space.
D. There is a limit to the number of network cards that can be added to each virtual machine.


Which of the following is not true in the Fusion Compute system?

A. If it is bound with USB settings, the virtual machine will not be able to migrate to other hosts
B. A kind of virtual machine live migration
C. If the "Bind to selected host" option is not checked, the virtual machine will not be able to add pass-through settings
D. Support VM cross-cluster migration


In Fusion Compute, which of the following description about the virtual machine templates is incorrect?

A. The virtual machine is cloned as a template: After the clone is completed, the virtual machine can still be used by you
B. Template clone as template: After the clone is completed, the original pallet still exists
C. Convert the virtual machine to a template: After conversion, the virtual machine can still be used normally
D. Import template: You can adjust some parameter settings to make it different from the local virtual machine template


Which items are correct about the description of the vhd file of the virtual machine template? (Multiple choice)

A. The "disk ID" in the vhd file name consists of the disk bus type and the disk serial number
B. vd indicates that the bus type of the disk is IDE type
C. hd indicates that the bus type of the disk is VIRTIO
D. sd indicates that the one-line type of the disk is SCSI

Exam Code: H13-531-ENUQ & A: 854 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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