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The following H12-521_V1.0-ENU questions are part of our Huawei H12-521_V1.0-ENU real exam questions full version. There are 527 in our H12-521_V1.0-ENU full version. All of our H12-521_V1.0-ENU real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail H12-521_V1.0-ENU exam with our Huawei H12-521_V1.0-ENU real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of H12-521_V1.0-ENU real exam questions? Go now!

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Huawei H12-521_V1.0-ENU Exam Actual Questions

The questions for H12-521_V1.0-ENU were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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Which of the following statements about video recording is correct? (Multiple Choice)

A. The planned recording function can automatically record according to the time period planned by the user, so that the stored video can be retrieved and checked when needed.
B. Cache supplemental recording function is used to store the video of the bayonet camera on the camera SD card when the network is abnormal, but it does not support the structured data generated by the storage bayonet camera
C. The recording lock function can keep the recording or extend the recording retention time according to the user's needs, to retain the recording of the important area
D. Playback on the wall function to display live images on the large screen, which is convenient for users to view historical video images


Regarding the clone camera (also known as the shadow camera) on the intelligent vision platform, which of the following statement is correct? (Multiple Choice)

A. The shadow camera can back up and view data, so that users can identify the shadow camera in the backup domain
B. The reason for making a shadow camera is that before using the backup function, you must first clone the camera that needs to back up data to the backup destination server
C. The shadow camera will be displayed in the list of settings on the " Device Management ", " Backup Management " and " Video Playback " pages of iClient of the backup domain master
D. The shadow camera can also provide live functions for viewing by the backup domain platform


Equipment upgrade operations include: (Multiple Choice)

A. Software version upgrade
B. Algorithm package upgrade
C. Load license
D. Restore the factory


Huawei's integrated site provides power supply, energy storage, and photovoltaic modules for video sites, which can be adapted to various power supply scenarios such as pure mains, pure light, and optical hybrid.

A. True
B. False


Cross-line statistics refers to setting up a cordon in a designated area, counting the number of people entering and exiting, and alerting based on the difference in the number of people.

A. True
B. False

Exam Code: H12-521_V1.0-ENUQ & A: 527 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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