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The following H12-321-ENU questions are part of our Huawei H12-321-ENU real exam questions full version. There are 729 in our H12-321-ENU full version. All of our H12-321-ENU real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail H12-321-ENU exam with our Huawei H12-321-ENU real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of H12-321-ENU real exam questions? Go now!

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Huawei H12-321-ENU Exam Actual Questions

The questions for H12-321-ENU were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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In the network as shown in the figure below, the data traffic is forwarded as STA-HAP-HAC-upper network before roaming, and the forwarding method is direct forwarding, and the home agent is configured on the AC. After three-layer roaming, what is the direction of data forwarding traffic?

A. STA-FAP-FAC-Upper Network
B. STA-FAP-FAC-HAC-FAC-Upper Network
C. STA-FAP-FAC-HAC-Upper Network
D. STA-FAP-FAC-HAC-HAP-HAC-upper network


In the network shown in the figure below, the data traffic before roaming is forwarded as STA-HAP-HC-upper network, and the forwarding method is tunnel forwarding. After three-layer roaming, what is the direction of data forwarding traffic?

A. STA-FAP-FAC-HAC-Upper Network
B. STA-FAP-FAC-HAC-HAP-HAC-upper network
C. STA-FAP-FAC-Upper Network
D. FAP-FAC-HAC-FAC-Upper Network


In the network shown in the figure, how is the route selected from A to D in the pro-active mode?

B. A-B-D
C. A-B-C-D
D. A-D


As shown in the figure, there are 4 online STAs (STA1-STA4) under AP1 radio frequency, and 1 online STA (STA5) under AP2 radio frequency. The load balancing start threshold 5 is exceeded, and the maximum number associated users supported by AP1 and AP2 radio frequencies is 10, and the configured load difference threshold is 10%.

When STA6 initiates a request to AP1 for the first time, which of the following statements is correct?

A. AP1 is first calculated according to the load balancing algorithm, and STA6 is allowed to access
B. AP1 is calculated according to the load difference threshold algorithm first, and STA6 is allowed to access
C. AP1 is first calculated according to the load balancing algorithm, and STA6 is denied access
D. AP1 is calculated based on the load difference threshold algorithm first, and STA6 is denied access


As shown in the figure is the WIDS attack detection process. After the dynamic blacklist is issued, how will the AP handle different data traffic when it is in the blacklist penalty period?

A. Forward normal data traffic and discard attack traffic
B. Discard normal data traffic and report attack traffic
C. Forward normal data traffic and report attack traffic
D. Discard normal data traffic and discard attack traffic

Exam Code: H12-321-ENUQ & A: 729 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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