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The following E_S4HCON2022 questions are part of our SAP E_S4HCON2022 real exam questions full version. There are 71 in our E_S4HCON2022 full version. All of our E_S4HCON2022 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail E_S4HCON2022 exam with our SAP E_S4HCON2022 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of E_S4HCON2022 real exam questions? Go now!

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SAP E_S4HCON2022 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for E_S4HCON2022 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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What is the benefit of using the file UPGANA.XML from a previous SUM run? Please choose the correct answer.

A. To auto-fill specific fields on selected screens on the SUM UI
B. To make the progress information within SUM UI more accurate
C. To repeat specific phases during the SUM run
D. To skip selected phases during the SUM run


What do you need to consider when performing the SI checks for an SAP S/4HANA conversion? There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. Depending on the SAP S/4HANA version, there are different SI check frameworks.
B. The SI checks are executed in the development system and the results are transported into the subsequent systems.
C. You need an SAP system based on AS ABAP 7.50 or above for the SI check framework.
D. You need to build up a SI check framework by applying SAP notes.


You are performing an inplace SAP S/4HANA conversion including DMO .
What is the latest point in time when you can reset the procedure without losing data?

A. The start of the Execution roadmap step
B. The start of the business downtime
C. The end of the business downtime
D. The end of the database migration


Which downtime optimization technique requires the minimized downtime service (MDS) from SAP?

A. Downtime Optimized DMO (DoDMO)
B. Near-Zero Downtime Maintenance (nZDM)
C. Near-Zero Downtime Technology (NZDT)
D. Downtime Optimized Data Conversion (DoC)


What can you achieve by setting the SUM parameter "migration_only" to 1 in parameter file SAPup_add.par?
Please choose the correct answer.

A. An upgrade of the software components is performed, without changing the database type.
B. A change of the database type is performed, without changing the software components.
C. An SAP S/4HANA conversion is performed, without adapting the customer data.
D. A migration of the SAP system to a new hardware is performed, without performing an SAP S/4HANA conversion.

Exam Code: E_S4HCON2022Q & A: 71 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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