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The following C_THR92_2105 questions are part of our SAP C_THR92_2105 real exam questions full version. There are 79 in our C_THR92_2105 full version. All of our C_THR92_2105 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C_THR92_2105 exam with our SAP C_THR92_2105 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C_THR92_2105 real exam questions? Go now!

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SAP C_THR92_2105 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C_THR92_2105 were last updated on Aug 16,2021 .

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Youwant to build a query for a cross-domain report.
What does the system do with fields that are NOT available for this report?

A. Unavailable fields are marked gray.
B. Unavailable fields are moved to the bottom of the list.
C. Unavailable fields are markedred.
D. Unavailable fields are hidden.


User A maintains a canvas report of employee contact information. User A leaves the company. Another report designer, user B, is assigned the responsibility to maintain the report, but currently CANNOT modify the report.
How do you allow user B to modify only this report?

A. Edit user B's WFA Role configuration.
B. Assign User B the permission Access All Reports.
C. Update the reports' sharing toinclude user
D. Edit authorship of the report.


In the Advanced Reporting tool, you want to create a query where the results meet the following criteria
• Only show one row per employee,
• Only show thepay components Base Salary and Bonus,
• Show these pay components as individual columns.
You have joined the Global Job Information table with the Compensation table.
What else must you do? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. Configure atable restriction of the Compensation table.
B. Duplicate the Compensation table.
C. Configure a table restriction of the Global Job Information table.
D. Change the table join to the Compensation table to an inner join.


A user wants to build a pivot chart based on a list report that has a run-time filter.
What must the user do?

A. Create a filter group within the run-time filter before building the report.
B. Create the pivot chart after adding the run-time filter.
C. Create the run-time filterbefore building the report.
D. Create the pivot chart before adding the run-time filter.


You are creating a query for a historical compensation story report in Query Designer. You have added the Job Information table to the query, configured a scope filter, and previewed the result to verify you are returning the appropriate employees.
You add the related table Compensation to the query.

When you preview the query, you only get the current compensation information for the employees.
Why do you only receive the current records? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. The Job information table time filter is set to: As of Date > Dynamic Date: Today.
B. The compensation table time filter is set to: Same Filter as First Table.
C. The Query Advanced Filter is set to: Job Information effective start date equal to Dynamic Date: Today.
D. The compensation table time filter is set to: As of Date > Dynamic Date: Today.

Exam Code: C_THR92_2105Q & A: 79 Q&AsUpdated:  Aug 16,2021

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