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The following C_THR87_2105 questions are part of our SAP C_THR87_2105 real exam questions full version. There are 162 in our C_THR87_2105 full version. All of our C_THR87_2105 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C_THR87_2105 exam with our SAP C_THR87_2105 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C_THR87_2105 real exam questions? Go now!

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SAP C_THR87_2105 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C_THR87_2105 were last updated on Sep 29,2021 .

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What is the Difference between additive and multiplicative formulas for bonus calculation? Please choose the correct answer.

A. Additive formulas use section weights whereas multiplicative formulas use payout percent
B. Additive formulas use payout percent whereas multiplicative formulas use payout amount multiplied by section weights.
C. Additive formulas use payout percent whereas multiplicative formulas use section weights.
D. Additive formulas use payout amount whereas multiplicative formulas use payout percent


Your customer wants to display the prorated bonus target amounts based on the date range in the worksheet.
In which section of the worksheet could this sum be displayed? Please choose the correct answer.

A. Employee History
B. Individual Calculation
C. Business Calculation
D. Entry level


Why would you use the background element for variable pay? Please choose the correct answer.

A. To define the fields for employee history data file
B. To define the fields for business goals file
C. To define the fields of variable pay portlet in employee profile
D. To define the fields for bonus plan file


What information is entered in the varPayProgramName column of the employee history data file? Please choose the correct answer.

A. The background type ID
B. The variable pay objective plan id
C. The background element name
D. The plan template name


How can an employee's target bonus value get prorated based on the employee's hire date? Please choose the correct answer.

A. Make sure the SALARY_PRORATING_START_DATE in the user data file (UDF) is the employee's hire date
B. Calculate the percent of proration and put that percentage in the SALARY_PRORATING column on the user data file (UDF)
C. Put the employee's hire date in the start Date for the assignment in the employee history file
D. Set the include Salary Prorating option to 'true' in the template XML and use date-based proration

Exam Code: C_THR87_2105Q & A: 162 Q&AsUpdated:  Sep 29,2021

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