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The following C_THR82_2111 questions are part of our SAP C_THR82_2111 real exam questions full version. There are 98 in our C_THR82_2111 full version. All of our C_THR82_2111 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C_THR82_2111 exam with our SAP C_THR82_2111 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C_THR82_2111 real exam questions? Go now!

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SAP C_THR82_2111 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C_THR82_2111 were last updated on Mar 09,2022 .

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What is required when defining a custom field in the goal plan?

A. You must assign a field description to the field.
B. You must make the field reportable.
C. You must assign a unique ID to the field.
D. You must assign a field type to the field.


When using the get feedback functionality during the performance review process, who can a user send the form to for feedback?

A. Any active user
B. Users within the user's hierarchy
C. EM and EMD
D. EM+ only


During testing, it is noticed that a field is missing from the goal plan. The XML template seems to be correct .
What else you should check? Please choose the correct answer.

A. Legacy permissions
B. Administrative Privileges
C. Role Based Permissions
D. The provisioning settings.


Which of the following options can be found in the General Settings of a 360 Degree Review From Template?

A. Add an option in the rating scale that is equivalent to "Not Applicable" and that has no positive or negative impact on the overall score.
B. Identify a Route Map
C. Identify a Rating Scale
D. Set the Review Dates for the formal 360 Review


Select the option that best fits this description: Users who are often from the HR department, may have been involved with the set-up of the session, and have the ability to calibrate ratings in the session

A. Process Owners
B. Managers
C. Session Facilitators
D. Session Owners

Exam Code: C_THR82_2111Q & A: 98 Q&AsUpdated:  Mar 09,2022

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