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The following C_THR82_2105 questions are part of our SAP C_THR82_2105 real exam questions full version. There are 80 in our C_THR82_2105 full version. All of our C_THR82_2105 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C_THR82_2105 exam with our SAP C_THR82_2105 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C_THR82_2105 real exam questions? Go now!

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SAP C_THR82_2105 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C_THR82_2105 were last updated on Jul 20,2021 .

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Your customer is using one goal section and one competency section, the customer displays section weights in the performance review form.
The requiremet in the performance summary section.
Based on this requirement and best practices, what weights do you assign to the sections? Please choose the correct answer.

A. Goat Section 0% Competency Section 0%
B. Goal Section: 50% Competency Section 50%
C. Competency Section 100% Goal Section: 100%
D. Goal Section: 25% Competency Section


What must you consider when using job families and roles?

A. Job families must be defined for major functions within organization
B. An Employee can be assigned to multiple job codes
C. Multiple job codes can be assigned to each job role
D. Job roles can be created without assigning them to job family


Which of the following options can be configured in General Settings? Select all that apply.
Permission to enable/disable buttons visible on a performance form to end-users

A. Rating Scale
B. Route Map
C. Stack ranking employees on competency sections


When creating a goal, it a category is not chosen, it will automatically be left as an uncategorized goal.

A. True
B. False


Goal Execution has specific fields that have to be added to the goal plan.
Which of the following fields is NOT specific to Goal Execution?

A. Probability of Success
B. Goal Weight
C. Strategic Goal
D. Execution Target
E. Execution Actual

Exam Code: C_THR82_2105Q & A: 80 Q&AsUpdated:  Jul 20,2021

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