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ServiceNow CSA exam Exam Actual Questions

The questions for CSA exam were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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What is the purpose of flagging an article in a knowledge base?

A. To mark an article to read later.
B. Allow a user to submit feedback about an article
C. Reporting an error


Which one of the following modules can be used to view field settings for a table?

A. Tables & Columns
B. Access Control
C. Columns and Fields
D. Tables and Fields


As it relates to ServiceNow reporting, which of the following statements describes what a metric can do?

A. A metric is a report gauge used on homepages to display real-time data
B. A metric is a time measurement used to report the effectiveness of workflows and SLAs
C. A metric is used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of IT service management processes
D. A metric is a comparative measurement used to report the effectiveness of workflows and SLAs.


Which of the following protects applications by identifying and restricting access to available files and data?

A. Application Configuration
B. Verbose Log
C. Access Control Rules
D. Application Scope


What is the purpose of the Event Registry?

A. The Event Registry lists all Events that have successfully completed within a 24-hour period
B. The Event Registry is a list of all Events that originate through an integration
C. The Event Registry is a module that provides Event definitions
D. The Event Registry is a list of all Events that have successfully completed after being Invoked by a script

Exam Code: CSA examQ & A: 400 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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