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The following C1000-130 questions are part of our IBM C1000-130 real exam questions full version. There are 113 in our C1000-130 full version. All of our C1000-130 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C1000-130 exam with our IBM C1000-130 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C1000-130 real exam questions? Go now!

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IBM C1000-130 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C1000-130 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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An administrator is looking to install Cloud Pak for Integration on an OpenShift cluster.

What is the result of executing the following?

A. A single node ElasticSearch cluster with default persistent storage.
B. A single infrastructure node with persisted ElasticSearch.
C. A single node ElasticSearch cluster which auto scales when redundancyPolicy is set to MultiRedundancy.
D. A single node ElasticSearch cluster with no persistent storage.


An administrator is deploying Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I) onto an existing OpenShift cluster which is already being used for other IBM Cloud Paks.
What is one way the administrator can restrict the CP4I components to only use the amount of VPCs to which they have been entitled?

A. Configure the MaxLicenseDeployment environment variable for the CP4I Operator to a value less than or equal to the VPCs of license entitlement.
B. VPCs are shared across all IBM Cloud Paks, so this is not necessary.
C. Only deploy CP4I to an namespace enforced by Kubemetes CPU quota limits, where the limit is less than the VPCs of license entitlement.
D. More information is required.


Which two Red Hat OpenShift Operators should be installed to enable OpenShift Logging?

A. OpenShift Console Operator
B. OpenShift Logging Operator
C. OpenShift Log Collector
D. OpenShift Centralized Logging Operator
E. OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator


An API Conned administrator runs the command shown below:

Given the output of the command, what is the state of the API Connect components?

A. The Analytics subsystem cannot retain historical data.
B. Developer Portal sites will be unresponsive.
C. Automated API behavior testing has failed.
D. New API calls will be rejected by the gateway service.


Which two of the following support Cloud Pak for Integration deployments?

A. IBM Cloud Code Engine
B. Amazon Web Services
C. Microsoft Azure
D. IBM Cloud Foundry
E. Docker

Exam Code: C1000-130Q & A: 113 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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