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The following C1000-055 questions are part of our IBM C1000-055 real exam questions full version. There are 60 in our C1000-055 full version. All of our C1000-055 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C1000-055 exam with our IBM C1000-055 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C1000-055 real exam questions? Go now!

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IBM C1000-055 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C1000-055 were last updated on Dec 01,2021 .

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A deployment professional is about to execute Server Discovery to populate the Host Definition Building Blocks. The deployment professional is working in a monitored environment and does not wish to set off any network scanner alarms.
What step should the deployment professional take to ensure that good results are returned and that no alarms are raised?

A. Warn the network monitoring team that QRadar is about to run a network port scan
B. Set the 'Passive discovery' flag in Advanced System Settings in the Admin tab
C. Ensure that events from the relevant servers are being collected successfully
D. Ensure that the flow sources are configured correctly and collecting data


A company that is located in the United States wants to expand its existing QRadar deployment to data centers located in Europe. The European branch needs to keep its data in-country and must comply with local data retention regulations.
What can the deployment professional do to comply with local data laws?

A. Install Event and Flow Collectors in the European data center.
B. Install Event and Flow Processors in the European data center.
C. Install Event and Flow Processors in the United States data center.
D. Install Data Nodes in the European data center.


A deployment professional is faced with the following system notification.
38750107 - The last attempt to read in rules (usually due to a rule change) has failed.
Please see the message details and error log for information on how to resolve this.
What should the deployment professional do after trying to disable and enabling the rule?

A. Create a new rule without deleting the old rule.
B. Delete and recreate the rule.
C. Modify the rule.
D. Before doing anything else, call customer support.


A deployment professional receives instructions to virtualize the currently installed QRadar SIEM All-in-One appliance and to provide requirements. VM specifications must suffice for 4000 EPS.
What are the minimum processor and memory requirements that the deployment professional must use?

A. 128 GB Memory, 16 CPU Cores
B. 256 GB Memory, 32 CPU Cores
C. 32 GB Memory, 16 CPU Cores
D. 8 GB Memory, 4 CPU Cores


A deployment professional configures QRadar auto-update with the automatic install option for all update types where automatic install is available.
Assuming all auto-update installations are successful, which update types will need manual installation?

A. Major updates, scanner and protocol updates
B. Configuration updates and WinCollect updates
C. Application updates and major updates
D. Application updates, DSM, scanner and protocol updates

Exam Code: C1000-055Q & A: 60 Q&AsUpdated:  Dec 01,2021

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