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The following C1000-051 questions are part of our IBM C1000-051 real exam questions full version. There are 67 in our C1000-051 full version. All of our C1000-051 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C1000-051 exam with our IBM C1000-051 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C1000-051 real exam questions? Go now!

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IBM C1000-051 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C1000-051 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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Viewing questions 1 out of 20 questions


Which IBM Spectrum Protect Backup_Archive CLI command will show all the detail of the text file Backup(.txt) taken from the C:\protect directory?

A. query backup -detail c:\protect.txt
B. query backup -detail c:\protect\*.txt
C. query backup -detail C:\protect
D. query backup -detail //protect/* ,txt


What is the highest administrative privilege in IBM Spectrum Protect that allows all operations?

A. Superuser
B. Root
C. Administrator
D. System

There are four administrator privilege classes in IBM Spectrum Protect™:
✑ System
✑ Policy
✑ Storage
✑ Operator


Which statement is true regarding a directory container storage pool?

A. The pooltype is directory,
B. A cloud storage pool on the local server can be used as copy pool target.
C. A container copy storage pool on disk can be used for the protect STGPOOL command.
D. Client data can be encrypted using 256 AE


By default, which type of data deduplication is set up when defining an IBM Spectrum
Protect directory container pool?

A. Server hardware deduplication
B. Network deduplication
C. Client-side deduplication
D. In-line deduplication


What is a function of IBM Spectrum Protect database inventory expiration?

A. removes client backups from the server as specified by the management class
B. removes client backups from the server as specified by the administrator
C. removes active backups from the server as specified by the management class
D. removes client backups from the server as specified by the node definition

Exam Code: C1000-051Q & A: 67 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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