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The following C1000-047 questions are part of our IBM C1000-047 real exam questions full version. There are 61 in our C1000-047 full version. All of our C1000-047 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C1000-047 exam with our IBM C1000-047 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C1000-047 real exam questions? Go now!

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IBM C1000-047 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C1000-047 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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What does the failure analysis tree in Maximo Asset Performance Management (APM) best represent?

A. a neural network containing interconnected group of nodes, similar to the vast network of neurons in a brain
B. a chart in which the values of the attributes are plotted along two axes, and the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlations
C. flow-chart and structure where internal node represents an attribute, the branch represents a decision rule, and each leaf node represents the outcome.
D. structure where an internal node represents an attribute, the branch represents a decision rule, and each leaf node represents the outcome


As of version 7.6.1, Maximo Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) supports which three operating systems for an on-premise deployment?

A. Red Hat Enterprise Linux V6
B. Window Server 2016
D. Debian Linux
E. Red Hat Enterprise Linux V7
F. HP-UX V11


Which Maximo application is a repository for acquired individual certifications?

A. Labor
B. Crafts
C. Qualifications
D. People


Which three entities can you connect a Maximo Asset Performance Management (APM) Mitigating Action?

A. Work Order
B. Item
C. Routes D
D. Asset
E. Preventive Maintenance (PM)
F. Job Plan


How is the Risk Priority Number per Asset or Location calculated in Maximo Asset Performance Management (APM)?

A. by aggregating the amount of Corrective Work Orders associated to the Asset or Location
B. by aggregating the amount of Failure Modes associated to the Asset or Location
C. by multiplying the Failure Consequence number with the Failure Probability number per Failure Mode
D. by aggregating the Corrective Work Order cost associated to the Asset or Location

Exam Code: C1000-047Q & A: 61 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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