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The following C1000-018 questions are part of our IBM C1000-018 real exam questions full version. There are 103 in our C1000-018 full version. All of our C1000-018 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail C1000-018 exam with our IBM C1000-018 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of C1000-018 real exam questions? Go now!

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IBM C1000-018 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for C1000-018 were last updated on Oct 23,2021 .

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Where can an analyst investigate a security incident to determine the root cause of an issue, and then work to resolve it?

A. Risk tab
B. Network Activity tab
C. Offense tab
D. Vulnerabilities tab


Where can an analyst working with Offenses add a regular expression test into an existing rule?

A. Top
B. Right
C. Bottom
D. Left


An analyst needs to find all events that are creating offenses that are triggered by rules that contain the word suspicious in the rule name.
Which query can the analyst use as a working sample?

A. SELECT LOGSOURCENAME(logsourceid), * from events where RULENAME(creeventlist) ILIKE ‘%suspicious%’
B. SELECT LOGGEDOFFENSE(logsourceid), * from offense_events where RULENAME(creeventlist) ILIKE ,%suspicious%'
C. SELECT LOGSOURCETYPE(logsourceid), - from log_events where RULENAME(creeventlist) ILIKE '%suspicious%'
D. SELECT LOGSOURCERULES(logsourceid), " from rule_events where RULENAME(creeventlist) ILIKE '%suspicious%'



Which statement about False Positive Building Blocks applies?
Using False Positive Building Blocks:

A. helps to prevent unwanted alerts, but there is no effect on performance.
B. helps to prevent unwanted alerts, and reduces the performance impact of testing rules that do not need to be tested.
C. has no impact on unwanted alerts, but it does reduce the performance impact of testing rules that do not need to be tested.
D. has no impact on unwanted alerts, or performance.



An analyst needs to create a new custom dashboard to view dashboard items that meet a particular requirement.
What are the main steps in the process?

A. Select New Dashboard and enter unique name, description, add items and save.
B. Select New Dashboard and copy name, add description, items and save.
C. Request the administrator to create the custom dashboard with required items.
D. Locate existing dashboard and modify to include indexed items required and save.

To create or edit your dashboards, log in as an administrator, click the Dashboards tab, and then click the gear icon. In edit mode, you can create new dashboards, add and remove widgets, edit display values in existing widgets, and reorder tabs.

Exam Code: C1000-018Q & A: 103 Q&AsUpdated:  Oct 23,2021

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