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The following AD5-E809 questions are part of our Adobe AD5-E809 real exam questions full version. There are 45 in our AD5-E809 full version. All of our AD5-E809 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail AD5-E809 exam with our Adobe AD5-E809 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of AD5-E809 real exam questions? Go now!

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Adobe AD5-E809 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for AD5-E809 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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As part of a large scale marketing campaign, an activity must run for 10 days. It will start at 3:00 am on a specific date and end 10 days later at 3:00 am.
What is the easiest way to ensure this activity starts and ends automatically?

A. Add a Time Frame audience rule.
B. Schedule a duration and activate.
C. Trigger an alert and activate.


A team wants to run a test on a lead generation form. The test will analyze if reducing the number of form fields from 10 to 6 increases Product A newsletter signups. The KPI is newsletter sign-up form submits. While any lift is considered a win. if the team realizes a 10% or greater lift, they will immediately roll out these changes across all of their newsletter sign-up forms without additional testing.
Their current hypothesis is as follows: If we make it easier for our visitors to complete our Product A newsletter sign-ups by decreasing the number of form fields by 4. we will increase newsletter sign-ups by 10%.
How could this hypothesis be improved?

A. Be less specific with the result: the mam objective of the test is an increase in form completions, not a 10% lift.
B. Be less specific with the goal: do not list Product A because the team is hoping to implement this for all products.
C. Be less specific with the change: do not list the decrease in the exact number of form fields.


When testing Experience B in an A/B Activity with a QA link, the analyst does not see the targeted content for Experience B.
What could be the reason?

A. The Activity is not live, so the QA link does not show content for Experience B, because the Activity is currently being edited.
B. The "Match Audience Rules to See Experiences" setting is enabled, and the analyst does not qualify for Experience
C. The Activity is live, so the QA link does not show content for Experience B, because it would invalidate reporting data.


The UX team has proposed testing a format change across all product overview pages.
Which Visual Experience Composer feature enables applying the format change across all of these pages?

A. Template Rules
B. Experience Versions
C. Enhanced Composer


There is a warning message in the Visual Experience Composer (VEC) for an activity which went live two weeks ago.
What is the most probable reason for the warning message?

A. A new plugin was added to website which is not supported by Adobe Target.
B. The Profile Script is outdated and causing issues in the VE
C. The structure of the page has changed since activity was created.

Exam Code: AD5-E809Q & A: 45 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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