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The following AD0-E709 questions are part of our Adobe AD0-E709 real exam questions full version. There are 185 in our AD0-E709 full version. All of our AD0-E709 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail AD0-E709 exam with our Adobe AD0-E709 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of AD0-E709 real exam questions? Go now!

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Adobe AD0-E709 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for AD0-E709 were last updated on May 03,2022 .

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An Adobe Commerce developer wants to add a custom product attribute to the website which will sync to their ERP.
The developer has created a data patch and added the following code to add the attribute:

The attribute is created successfully and it is listed in the attribute grid. But on the website, there are multiple attribute sets and the developer wants the newly created attribute to be visible in all the attribute sets.
In order to set the attribute to all the attributes sets, how will the developer change the code to add the attribute?

A. Add a property 'group' => 'General' in the add Attribute method.
B. Add a property attribute. group' => 'general' in the add Attribute method.
C. Add a properly 'attribute. set' -> 'all' in the add Attribute method.


An Adobe Commerce developer is asked to restrict access onboth the admin menu item Custom_Reports: :Financial and the admin pagecustomreport/financial/index attached to the menu.
The developer has added the resource Customreports/financial in etc/ael.xml. and the following code on etc/adninhtml/nenu.xml :

Given that const ADMIN_RESOURCE was NOT set on the controller of customreports-financial/index and the secret key is not enabled in the URL which users can access the page?

A. Only admin users with Custom_Reports::financial resource access.
B. Only admin users with ALL resources access.
C. All admin users.


An Adobe Commerce developer is creating a module (Vendor_ModuleName) to be sold on
the Marketplace. The new module creates a database table using declarative schema and now the developer needs to make sure the table is removed when the module is disabled.
What must the developer do to accomplish this?

A. Add a schema patch thatimplements Mogento\Framework\Setup\Patch\PatchRevertableInterface and drops the table in the revert function.
B. There is nothing further the developer needs to do. The table will be removed when the when bin/magento module:uninstall Vendor_ModuleName is run.
C. There is nothing further the developer needs to do. The table will be removed when the module is disabled and bin/Magento setup :upgrade is run.


An Adobe Commerce developer has created a new shipping carrier.
Everything has been implemented and the collectRates() and getAlloweMethods() functions can be seen below:

A. Given the above code, what would be the displayed cost of the shipping method and final amount charged to the customer?
B. The shipping method would display $0 but customers would pay a $10 handling fee for their order.
C. The shipping method would display $10 and customers would pay $10 for using the new shipping method.
D. The shipping method would display SO and customers would pay $0 for using the new shipping method.


An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked to add a file field to a custom form in the administration panel, the field must accept only .PDF files with size less or equal than 2 MB.
So far the developer has added the following code within the form component xmlfile, inside the filedsetnode:

How would the developer implement the validation?



A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C

Exam Code: AD0-E709Q & A: 185 Q&AsUpdated:  May 03,2022

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