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Adobe AD0-E314 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for AD0-E314 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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How should a campaign business practitioner test that dynamic content in delivery displays properly?

A. Configure the delivery to enable a content control group
B. Configure the delivery to enable content approval
C. Configure the delivery content to include seeds
D. Configure the delivery to send a proof of each content version


During a testing phase, a Campaign Business Practitioner needs to send the test emails to a personal email addresses to see how they look in the inbox. The Campaign Business
Practitioner is NOT in the recipient table .
How should the Campaign Business Practitioner perform this task?

A. Pick any email address and use the preview to see what it looks like
B. Go through the standard process for adding recipients
C. Type the address into the “To:” section
D. Add the email to a seed list


Which workflow activity should be used to export data?

A. Data download
B. List update
C. Update data
D. Data extraction



How is recurring delivery similar to a continuous delivery?

A. Both deliveries append record to the delivery log
B. Both deliveries can be sent multiple times
C. Both deliveries can be modified in the delivery step
D. Both deliveries create new delivery logs


A campaign is created with a workflow. The workflow has a continuous delivery. A campaign is created based on this template.
What would be the relationship between the internal names of the campaign template, campaign, workflow and deliveries?

A. The workflow and deliveries have different names. The campaign and the campaign template have the same name.
B. The names of the campaign and the campaign template are different. The workflows and deliveries have the same name.
C. The names of the deliveries are different. The workflows, campaign and the campaign template have the same name.
D. All of the names will be unique.

Exam Code: AD0-E314Q & A: 94 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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