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The following AD0-C102 questions are part of our Adobe AD0-C102 real exam questions full version. There are 60 in our AD0-C102 full version. All of our AD0-C102 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail AD0-C102 exam with our Adobe AD0-C102 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of AD0-C102 real exam questions? Go now!

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Adobe AD0-C102 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for AD0-C102 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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You have winged all the voice over clips in a sequence on a single track.
How can you conveniently adjust the audio level for the sequence voice over clips?

A. In the Audio Clip Mixer, adjust the level for the track containing the voice over clips.
B. In the Audio Track Mixer, adjust the level for the track containing the voice over dips.
C. Select all the clips, and adjust the rubber band for any clip that has been selected.
D. Select all the clips, right-dick any selected dip, and choose Audio > Set Level To.


You want to create a custom shortcut to give clips on the Timeline a specific label color.
How do you accomplish this?

A. Navigate to Sequence > Clip Label Color. Assign shortcut
B. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts > label Colors. Assign shortcut.
C. Right click a clip on the timeline and select Label Color > Assign Shortcut.
D. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts. Assign shortcut


The Media Cache Files in Premiere Pro are by default stored here:
• Mac Users: Macintosh HD/Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common
• Windows Users: C: Users\UserName\ AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common
Where can you change this location?

A. Project Settings > Scratch Disks > Media Cache Files
B. Sequence > Sequence Settings > Media Cache Files
C. Preferences > Media Cache > Media Cache Files
D. Project > Project Settings > Media Cache Files


The Timeline panel is active with multiple dips m a sequence. You press the Up arrow key while working in the Timeline and the playhead jumps to the beginning of the sequence.
Why does this happen?

A. The oily enabled track is empty.
B. Selection Follows Playhead is disabled.
C. The clip is not selected.
D. Snap In Timeline is disabled.


You are working on a project using the latest operating system and a certified supported video card.
How should Adobe Premiere Pro be configured to take advantage of the GPU processing power for faster rendering?

A. In Preferences > Media, check The box next to Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration.
B. Choose File > Project Settings > General. Under Renderer. choose a Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration option.
C. Choose Sequence > Sequence Settings. Under Video Renderer choose Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration.
D. Choose File > Project Settings > General. Under Renderer. choose Mercury Playback Engine Software Only.

Exam Code: AD0-C102Q & A: 60 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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