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AliCloud ACP-Sec1 Exam Actual Questions
The questions for ACP-Sec1 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .
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For which of the following protection scenarios is Alibaba Cloud WAF applicable? (Number of correct answers: 5)
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You have helped a customer set up a content filtering solution based on Content Moderation service However, the customer is complaining that certain images are getting incorrectly flagged as pornographic content. What can you do to help fix this?
Alibaba Cloud WAF is a security protection product based on Alibaba Group's web security defense experience accumulated over more than a decade By defending against common OWASP attacks, providing patches to fix vulnerabilities, and allowing users to customize protection policies for website services, WAF can successfully safeguard the security and availability of websites and web applications. Which of the following types of security configurations does WAF provide? (Number of correct answers 3)
Cross Site Script (XSS) attacks refer to a kind of attack by tampering the webpage using HTML injection to insert malicious scripts so as to control the user's browser when the user browses the webpage XSS vulnerabilities may be used for user identity stealing (particularly the administrator identity), behavior hijacking, Trojan insertion and worm spreading, and also phishing
Exam Code: ACP-Sec1Q & A: 80 Q&AsUpdated: Feb 21,2025