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The following A00-405 questions are part of our SAS Institute A00-405 real exam questions full version. There are 60 in our A00-405 full version. All of our A00-405 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail A00-405 exam with our SAS Institute A00-405 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of A00-405 real exam questions? Go now!

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SAS Institute A00-405 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for A00-405 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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An analyst wants to identify terms that might be used as keywords to search a document collection looking for consumer comments related to price Using which SAS Visual Text Analytics node and feature would be most efficient for this business need?

A. The "create rule from selected elements" feature for the term price in the Textual Elements pane of the Categories node
B. The "matched documents" feature for a custom PRICE concept in the Concepts node
C. The term table for a derived PRICE topic in the Topics node
D. The "show similarity scores" feature for the term price in the Kept Terms pane of the Text Parsing node


Consider the category rule:

Which statement is TRUE about a document that satisfies this rule?

A. It exhibits the topic named INCURSION
B. It exhibits one or more of the items used to define the INCURSION concept
C. It contains the term "incursion" or any of the stemmed versions of "incursion '
D. It satisfies a previously defined INCURSION category rule but overrides the primary Boolean operator in the original rule with the OR operator


Given the code to score images:

What is the actual batch size?

A. 20
B. 2
C. 40
D. 10


Assume no padding is used for the input.
What is the output feature map size created by the cross-correlation between a three color channel, 10*10 input and a 4"4 filter that has a stride of two?

Enter your numeric answers in the spaces above

A. 3*3


Consider the CONCEPT rule:
Which choice represents a possible result from this CONCEPT rule?

A. Redraw begins with the word red and then matches any set of alpha characters
B. Reds, a plural variant of the noun red
C. Redness a noun having red as a root word
D. Redder, a variant of the adjective red

Exam Code: A00-405Q & A: 60 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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