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The following 312-85 questions are part of our EC-Council 312-85 real exam questions full version. There are 49 in our 312-85 full version. All of our 312-85 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail 312-85 exam with our EC-Council 312-85 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of 312-85 real exam questions? Go now!

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EC-Council 312-85 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for 312-85 were last updated on Feb 21,2025 .

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Which of the following types of threat attribution deals with the identification of the specific person, society, or a country sponsoring a well-planned and executed intrusion or attack over its target?

A. Nation-state attribution
B. True attribution
C. Campaign attribution
D. Intrusion-set attribution


Mr. Bob, a threat analyst, is performing analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH). He has reached to a stage where he is required to apply his analysis skills effectively to reject as many hypotheses and select the best hypotheses from the identified bunch of hypotheses, and this is done with the help of listed evidence. Then, he prepares a matrix where all the screened hypotheses are placed on the top, and the listed evidence for the hypotheses are placed at the bottom.
What stage of ACH is Bob currently in?

A. Diagnostics
B. Evidence
C. Inconsistency
D. Refinement


An attacker instructs bots to use camouflage mechanism to hide his phishing and malware delivery locations in the rapidly changing network of compromised bots. In this particular technique, a single domain name consists of multiple IP addresses.
Which of the following technique is used by the attacker?

A. DNS zone transfer
B. Dynamic DNS
C. DNS interrogation
D. Fast-Flux DNS


John, a professional hacker, is trying to perform APT attack on the target organization network. He gains access to a single system of a target organization and tries to obtain administrative login credentials to gain further access to the systems in the network using various techniques.
What phase of the advanced persistent threat lifecycle is John currently in?

A. Initial intrusion
B. Search and exfiltration
C. Expansion
D. Persistence


During the process of threat intelligence analysis, John, a threat analyst, successfully extracted an indication of adversary’s information, such as Modus operandi, tools, communication channels, and forensics evasion strategies used by adversaries.
Identify the type of threat intelligence analysis is performed by John.

A. Operational threat intelligence analysis
B. Technical threat intelligence analysis
C. Strategic threat intelligence analysis
D. Tactical threat intelligence analysis

Exam Code: 312-85Q & A: 49 Q&AsUpdated:  Feb 21,2025

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