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The following 156-585 questions are part of our Check Point 156-585 real exam questions full version. There are 112 in our 156-585 full version. All of our 156-585 real exam questions can guarantee you success in the first attempt. If you fail 156-585 exam with our Check Point 156-585 real exam questions, you will get full payment fee refund. Want to practice and study full verion of 156-585 real exam questions? Go now!

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Check Point 156-585 Exam Actual Questions

The questions for 156-585 were last updated on Oct 23,2021 .

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What is the function of the Core Dump Manager utility?

A. To generate a new core dump for analysis
B. To limit the number of core dump files per process as well as the total amount of disk space used by core files
C. To determine which process is slowing down the system
D. To send crash information to an external analyzer


What are some measures you can take to prevent IPS false positives?

A. Exclude problematic services from being protected by IPS (sip, H 323, etc )
B. Use IPS only in Detect mode
C. Use Recommended IPS profile
D. Capture packets. Update the IPS database, and Back up custom IPS files


You have configured IPS Bypass Under Load function with additional kernel parameters ids_tolerance_no_stress=15 and ids_tolerance_stress-15 For configuration you used the *fw ctl set' command After reboot you noticed that these parameters returned to their default values.
What do you need to do to make this configuration work immediately and stay permanent?

A. Set these parameters again with “fw ctl set” and edit appropriate parameters in $FWDIR/boot/modules/ fwkern.conf
B. Use script $FWDIR/bin to set these parameters
C. Set these parameters again with “fw ctl set” and save configuration with “save config”
D. Edit appropriate parameters in $FWDIR/boot/modules/fwkern.conf



What is the buffer size set by the fw ctl zdebug command?

A. 1 MB
B. 1 GB
C. 8MB
D. 8GB


When a User Mode process suddenly crashes it may create a core dump file.
Which of the following information is available in the core dump and may be used to identify the root cause of the crash?
i Program Counter
ii Stack Pointer
ii. Memory management information
iv Other Processor and OS flags / information

A. i, ii, lii and iv
B. i and n only
C. iii and iv only
D. D Only iii

Exam Code: 156-585Q & A: 112 Q&AsUpdated:  Oct 23,2021

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